Welcome to
The Church of England in Faversham, Kent, UK
Endless hope

God is near.
He invites
everyone into
his family.
He invites everyone to join his plan to restore the world,
Jesus makes this possible through his Holy Spirit.
Jesus knows life. He's been through it all and calls us to "love one another".
Jesus knows death. He's been through that too with his arms stretched out on the cross.
He rose again
to new life
and his arms
are stretched out
to you saying,
"I've conquered
death, so what
can we sort
out together?"
We believe
Jesus' new life
transforms life and
everything about it.

Attending church increases happiness, wellbeing and confidence in handling life’s challenges.
Attending church regularly makes you happier and more optimistic about the future, a new report has suggested.
More than eight in 10 people who go to a place of worship at least once a week reported being happy, compared to just half of those who never attend a religious service.
Church-goers also reported higher levels of self-control, better psychological wellbeing and more satisfaction with their lives than others.
The research, conducted by the Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life (IIFL), also suggested that the frequency of religious service attendance improved mental health outcomes.
More than 2,000 adults across the UK were surveyed on whether or not they identified as religious, as well as various aspects of their mental health.
Over 70 per cent of those who said that their religious background was important to their identity reported having “good psychological wellbeing” in the three months before the survey.