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Your Benefice of Faversham
For everyone

 Jesus' good news is for everyone.
And Church is a family of people from every age group. 

 In fact Jesus said in Matthew's Gospel (Chapter 18 verse 3), 
   "unless you change and become like children, you'll never enter the kingdom of heaven". 
So here's what we have going on especially for everyone all at once... 

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 i wonder...  
 Sundays |  4.00pm - 5.00pm
 Davington Church, Priory Road, Faversham. ME13 7EJ 

Story Time

Sunday Morning Provision for children
and young people

Sundays during services (where possible)

Painting Class

Little Fishes Pre-school
Thursdays (during term time)
10.00am - 11.30am

St Mary of Charity Church

Church Road

Faversham, ME13 8GZ

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The GEM youth mobile

Providing a place of welcome, hospitality, games, activities, friendship, conversation and community across Faversham, surrounding communities and beyond since 2020

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You're Loved and Crucial in God's plan!

Ask us for one of our wristbands with this constant reminder of God's love for you and of your importance in his plan to transform the world.



Your Little One's Christening / Baptism

Find out about the first step of an amazing journey with God.

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It's the spectacular big-screen animated, live action production of the Christmas and Easter stories using hits and parodies from the recent decades, silhouetted mime, puppets, lights and lots and lots of audience participation.

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Kids watching movie
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